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Saturday, April 10, 2010

how to get comprehensive sex ed.

Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in the last few days. I was busy with tests, I still have one for chemistry but I need a break from studying for now! So, I thought I would update this...

Today I would like to talk about implenting comprehensive sex education.

We will start with the basics...
First of all it will need government funding if it is going to be taught in public schools. So basically, if you support this kind of sex education then let your voice be heard. Tell your local school system, email your represenatives, etc.
This year President Obama is shifting the funding from abstinence only education, which has been heavily funded since 2001, to pregnancy prevention programs. According to the Office of Management and Budget, abstinence only programs received $1.3 billion from 2001 to 2009..but this type of sex education has not proven that it actually is effective. This new budget gives $178 million dollars to pregnancy prevention programs, including $110 million for community based programs. 75% is going to programs that have been proven to be effective. 25% will go to new innovative programs, which means the president is open to abstinence only education if it can be proved to be successful.
So, as a country, we are headed in the right direction with more money being put into comprehensive sex education.

In later posts, we will discuss a little bit more on how to implement comprehensive sex education!


  1. Woah..I can't beilive we spend that much on a program that is only ranked in 10th place, that is just crazy!

  2. georgia is ranked 10th tiffany! and also i know you dont care !!!!

  3. i meant to put GA you just shut up over there maam!!! And I do care meanie! btw that video was crazy "condoms don't work and birth control will kill you" lol.
